IT began this last dark chapter with our Secret Service “asking” for President-elect Obama’s Blackberry with all his then Left of Center base contact infos, and his then and thereafter, giving-all-in when so-“asked” I think, how about You?

“A very early tip-off to me just after Barack Obama won his first term POTUS’ election, was that the, longarms of ‘the deep State’ as Steve Bannon and others would term the institutional and beyond partisanship generally, U.S. federal beaucracy giving U.S. continuity and Yes some other darker world-order in U.S. since WWII perceived by foreign policy interested elites persistence in that framework to by same beaucratic office appointees and careerist gov’t. officials who serve at the pleasure of usually many White House administrations of both major U.S. political electoral politics’ Partys, … so anyway, the Secret Service in a one time reported for the most part and then not mentioned again, asked in still-November of 2008 of President-elect Obama for his personal Blackberry communications’ device, on which he had stored so many tens of thousands, some say, activist members of his political Left of Center then such ones contact informations, and the Secret Service manner of “asking” was more like “demanding”, and being ‘no-drama-Obama’ he gave in without any muss or fuss; SO Unlike, obviously, if one is at all aware of these present day Trump as POTUS unending Tweet storms of policy level blurts-out alongside every day with personal pre-teen thin-skinned bully-type early-on socio-pathology formative years’ sorts of AS UNPresidential as IT gets so-far behavior, and so-far everyone who does not celebrate this monsterous goings-on SO obviously eating away at the Heart of who and what The American Spirit and National People’s Gov’t. Soul and Personality Rays’ aligned Purpose and Promise, just ‘wrings their hands’ about how we might mitigate the damages done ongoingly, Much Less zero anyone simply taing that obvious too-advanced techno-toy from this POTUS back when he was first our U.S. President-elect … what does Your reading of present vis a vis the Obama early-on assertion by the U.S. federal “deep State operatives’ of who was Really running this show? And President Obama’s near-to-blind persistence way beyond ANY logical timeframe, his hopes for bi-partisanship before almost any and all other made by him defacto lesser societal values and practical possibilities? Did the Secret Service “deep State operatives” or ones who they let in close to in private let Barack know so very early on after his election, that he was not to rock the boat, or to think about using his first administration’s super-majority in Congress to ram-through any of his campaign promises, and was not to be permitted to stay in touch with the Left of Center part of his base, or even to keep any of their contact infos on his confiscated without complaint by him then or later-still-now, and throughtout his eight year term as POTUS appointing always industry bigshots to be foxes guarding the chickenhouses of federal regulatory agencies, making White House private meeting before BigPharma,Insurance and AMA/APA BigHealthcare industry players signed on to the way-watered-down and made-for-lots-of-private GUARANTEED in hundreds of billions specific promise made by “President” Obama to sames, again one-timem and way-under-reported to this day, along with his signed into law still-standing, in particular the 2009 NDAA (National Defense regular annual Appropriations Act) into which that year was fast-tracked by Sen. McCain and a Dem. Party flunkie co-sponser, provisions granting until replealed, and no mention made of it yet in the commericial media, extraordinary powers to the Chief Executive, declaring as law so far as the U.S. is concerned, the entire surface of this planet as a “battlefield in the [oxymoronic-Orwellian-DoubleThink/DoubleSpeak as can be]War On Terror, wherin battlefield military justice rules all apply to all potential enemy target including those of U.S. citizenship, including ones who have no criminal records, and without habeas corpus to be summarily with the signatures in secret by the Chief Executive or his or her designated Executive branch signing surrogates, to remove indefinitely to undisclosed detention facilities and/or to summarily execute secretly as many of these as the Chief Executive calls to be done with so, with no legal charges, no legal representation, no court ordered authorities given or required to be sought, and if indefinitely secretly detained, no info given to either Congress, or Freedom of Information Act filers, or to family or friend of the summary seized ones, nor to anyones”, and Barack Obama signed this quietly into law, and being a Constitutional scholar and a humanitarian and community organizer at one time of obvious sincerity and committed life to same values, well knew the lasting legacy of this signing of all that into law act, also being a student of the fact of powers accrued to the Chief Executive and that branch of gov’t. hardly ever, if ever, have been taken back once made law of this land, So … Did, I ask You? Barack Hussein Obama get met in secret by not only those Secret Service agents who took away his Blackberry so hard-upon after his being elected to his first term, Get TOLD in NO Uncertain terms? What would happen to him AND all of his dear family members, unless he acquiesced and played ball like a good White House nigger, in matters of this nature? I take nothing away from this man or his family, who I regard as the finest to have ever occupied our nation’s home for our Chief Executive and his or her own. Can anyone anymore appreciate subtle points? That are not either/or or one’s of hyper-normalizing all that unfolds for good, for indifferent and for ill-makings??? As “all one and no matter” we’re all “better off” not asking these dangerous questions, The Show Must Go On [that is, until it implodes].”

~ Tim Onucki aka Robert Jones on behalf of the waking up from the dream dharma Free Association [TM] on this day after the Fourth of July 2017 circa 5:13pm EDST 08840

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